Monday, February 16, 2009

New Languages

I've been interested in learning new languages to develop in. For work we are developing in php 95% of the time and not wanting to get rusty on my languages that I already know, I've decided to buy a programming challenge book (also good if you want to brush up on your algorithm development) and complete each problem in several different languages. I think this will be a good way to become familiar with some that I haven't had experience with.

Right now I've completed the first couple problems in: C++, Java, C#, and php. I am looking to port these solutions over to: python, LISP (always been fascinated with the mystic-like following behind this language. Apparently, once fully understood, it is like speaking [or coding] in the language of the Gods), Erlang (I've written a great many programs in this language, but I'd like to brush up on my parallel computing), and maybe a bit of know, so if I wanted to write an iphone/pod app.

I might post a few of the problems here with my solutions (which will open me up for possible ridicule, but I guess that is a good thing...anything to improve my skill set).

On a random note, I might throw some graphic programming up here. I've been lightly working on a particle engine.

Also, I feel like I'm in school again. I've been 'attending' Standford's artificial intelligence online through their free web courses. I recommend you check it out, good stuff.

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