Tuesday, December 8, 2009

NuSOAP for Adwords v2009 api

I had the recent pleasure of looking through the upgrades, and ultimately testing, google's new adwords api. This release is quite a shift from the past adwords apis. One thing to take note is the use of a 3rd party required file, NuSOAP.

I downloaded the file from google's link pointing to sourceforge and I was quite surprised to find that much of the file has deprecated function calls for php 5.3.x. I couldn't wrap my brain around why google would be 'upgrading' with a 3rd party file that isn't going to be working when php 6 comes out. This oversight is nearly impossible to be an oversight because google is still releasing v2009; it is impossible to miss!

After much work, and help from client prient, I was able to knock out a version that will survive (at least through php 6).

I am really still in disbelief that google would/could let something like this happen.

If you are having problems with the deprecated functions, you can get my updated file here: New NuSOAP . It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that this file comes without any warranty...only 'as is'.

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